Tuesday 28 August 2012

Collection 2000 Waterproof Lengthening Mascara

Don't you just hate it when you have a day where your going to cry and your mascara runs down your face or you go swimming and you look like a giant panda, well i have chosen to start using waterproof mascara and i know there is going to be a time in that day where my eyes are going to come into contact with water!

Likes: I do really like this mascara as it not only is waterproof but it really lengthens your eye lashes. 
A couple of days ago i went swimming and it worked a treat!! No mascara came of and i was all good and i didn't come out looking like a panda. Also it as a small brush so it is easy to use and doesn't leave your eyes all clumped.
Dislikes: The only down falls about this product is that it has quite a lot of perfume added to it which kind of puts me off but i  don't think this affects your eyes at all. Also as it is waterproof it is had to remove it from your eyes as you cant just your normal wipes you would have to invest in some eye makeup remover.

Thursday 23 August 2012

The body shop-Born lippy pot lip balm.

Top left-Strawberry
Top right-Passionberry
These lip balms are from the body shop that I have recently purchased, they were 3 for 2 so I couldn't resist at £2 each. I really like all these lips balms because the smell and taste are so sweet but I would have to say that my favourite is the strawberry. They have a good constancy but can be sticky on the lips and wears off quite quickly. 
Made in the UK, the beeswax is from Cameroon, where the farmers harvest it from hives hand-crafted from bamboo.


Wednesday 22 August 2012

This is body shops coconut shower cream, this is soap-free so it is good for people who react to soap.
This cleanser is for normal/dry skin and contains community fair trade virgin coconut oil from Samoa. Farmers hand picked the coconuts, pressing the white flesh by hand to purify.
I have only used this once but I have already fallen in love with this product because it is so soft on your skin and moisturises your skin and it smells so lovely, I would definitely repurchase this product, the best thing about this is you will only need a small amount of it to get a good cleanse.
It is also very affordable and available.

Monday 20 August 2012


Hey guys, i know i havent posted anything and my blog has not been that exciting so far but i have just ordered a camera to take lots of pictures of beauty products and things i have been liking. So please bare with me follow my blog please i promise you wont regret xx

Thursday 16 August 2012


Hi im sophie/soph whatever you want to call me. Im new to blogging so you will have to bare with me but i have watched loads of videos on youtube and have been 'inspired' and im just hoping that you will like this blog:)